Rowan Williams - Archbishop of Canterbury - resigns - gay marriage

Rowan Williams has announced he is resigning as Archbishop of Canterbury because of prejudice against Christianity in Britain.

Published: Friday, Mar 16, 2012 - 03:33:23 PM by Jeff G

LONDON, England -- Rowan Williams, the head of the Anglican Church, will be divorcing himself from the office of Archbishop of Canterbury following his announcement of his resignation, because of prejudice against Christianity, and gay marriage.

Dr. Williams was appointed the one hundred and fourth Archbishop of Canterbury in 2002 and was the youngest at age 52 to be appointed Archbishop of Canterbury for almost 200 years.

He came to office just as the church's gay uproar, with the election of the church's first openly gay bishop, Gene Robinson, in the US arm of the church called the Episcopal church.

Williams ruled over a church which is divided on the homosexual issue, and further so, on the gay marriage issue now rocking the world, but as Jesus once said, "... if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand".

Williams is a well-known social liberal says the globalpost, but on this issue he sought compromise. He would ordain gay bishops provided they were celibate. Liberals in the church's hierarchy on one side of the fence were angry with him for that. Conservatives, on the other side of the fence were just as angry and don't see that there is anything to compromise on. No gay bishops, period.

The Archbishop who will be leaving office in December has offered a blow to Britain, and the Anglican Church which is believed to have spread Christianity throughout the world after its earlier spread from Africa.

The scenario unfolding today, will also be a blow to the Queen Elizabeth II, who is both British monarch, and Supreme Governor of the Church of England as significant changes are occurring within the British government, under her monarchy at a time while she celebrate her Diamond Jubilee marking the 60th anniversary of the accession of Queen .

Archbishop of Canterbury, Williams will be accepting the position of Master of Magdalene College, Cambridge with effect from January 2013.

'Although there is also a lot of ignorance and rather dim-witted prejudice about the visible manifestations of Christianity, which sometimes clouds the discussion. The Archbishop referred to the wearing crosses in public by public, as it somehow seem to offend some.

'It has been an enormous privilege being Archbishop of Canterbury, you are given access to the life of churches worldwide in a really unique way.

When questioned in a Press Association interview on the issue of gay marriage, Dr. Williams replied, "Crisis management is never a favourite activity, I have to admit, but it's not as if that has overshadowed everything. It's certainly been a major nuisance, but in every job that you're in, there are controversies and conflicts and this one isn't going to go away in a hurry. So I can't say that there's a great sense of 'free at last'."

If one were to take this resignation into context, it comes one day after the British government backs gay marriage.

It will be interesting to see if the resignation of the Archbishop of Canterbury on the apparent principle of gay marriages will lead to a split in the church around the world.


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